Karate "Katas" - Videos (YouTube)

1.   Heian Shodan –  Yellow Belt Kata (SGKC)

 2. Heian Nidan –   Orange Belt Kata (SGKC)

 3. Heian Sandan – Green Belt w/ White Stripe Kata (SGKC)

Note: There are many examples of katas on YouTube, but these are exceptionally well done and reflect the katas taught at SGKC.
Note: Below are links to the videos available on YouTube to all viewers to see (Click to watch!)
Note: Two (2) videos of each kata are provided
Note: Waku-doki is a Japanese saying or phrase that means heart pumping excitement! We hope your katas will be heart pumping and energetic!
Note: Waku Dojo = excitement in the dojo – energy – framework – great website for information and learning

Heian Shodan

Heian Nidan

Heian Sandan