kkmkarate https://kkmkarate.com Educational - karate kanji learning and MA Thu, 03 Nov 2022 20:13:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://kkmkarate.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/cropped-JPEG-KKM-Logo-4-32x32.png kkmkarate https://kkmkarate.com 32 32 Post 16 – Life Lessons https://kkmkarate.com/2022/11/03/post-16-life-lessons/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/11/03/post-16-life-lessons/#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 17:08:07 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=3320 Post 16 – Life Lessons Read More »

Upsets Happen to All of Us!

We all get ‘dazed’ or ‘rocked’ or ‘hit hard’ with sudden unexpected upsets every day of our lives! It could happen at home or at school or at work or at a store or just about anywhere.

Taking ‘Hits’

Somebody calls you a name, you do poorly on a test, someone lies to you, someone steals from you, someone cheats you, you’re stuck in a traffic jam and horns are honking, you lost your job, a friend dies, a family member dies, your dog bites you, you slam your fingers in a car door, Starbucks runs out of whipped cream.  All day, every day, you are taking hits both big and small in life. Get the idea?

Strengthen Your Spirit

Don’t forget that every day when you get ‘hit’ by life’s circumstances, it’s a chance to strengthen your fighting spirit! Don’t let anyone or anything take away your balance! Don’t let anyone or anything take away your breath! Don’t let anyone or anything make you tense up or curl up or give up! No matter what happens, when you get ‘hit’ FACE IT! Take a breath, assess the situation, make a decision, take action, and follow through! No joke, the most important habit you can develop is to control your mind! Train yourself to keep breathing, to keep thinking, and to keep moving. This is not just a secret to winning a fight; it’s a secret to winning in life!

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Post 15 – What can Martial Arts do for You? https://kkmkarate.com/2022/11/03/post-15-what-can-martial-arts-do-for-you/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/11/03/post-15-what-can-martial-arts-do-for-you/#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 16:46:02 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=3301 Post 15 – What can Martial Arts do for You? Read More »



The First Obvious Answer

The most obvious answer is that Martial Arts help you defend yourself against an attacker! However, if we examine more closely the obvious and then the not so obvious, perhaps we may understand the various ways martial arts can help us throughout our daily lives. Since we could probably discuss many hours on each of the following points, I’ll try to give just a short explanation of each major point.


Self Defense

Pursuing training in Martial Arts diligently will help you prepare yourself for different circumstances that may present themselves. You learn that the “best way to win a fight is to not fight at all.” If you do not contend, argue, get upset or offend, lose control and if you can just walk away, then you have already won! If that is not possible, you have prepared yourself with techniques to use when the situation escalates. Through these techniques you can then do what is necessary to walk away.



Lining up in class and following instruction, learning terms, working and communicating with others are all things you can do to learn discipline. Understanding how to treat others and having respect for your dojo, equipment, instructors and those of higher rank [your elders] also teaches you how to channel your energy, anger and emotions into positive feelings of accomplishment and self-worth. You come to know that when, what you have learned, used in the wrong way, could truly hurt someone else.  Martial Artists train themselves to act if and when it is necessary. This training instills in you the inner peace and attitude that you, yourself are in control. If you can learn this, you can learn and do anything you set your mind too. With confidence comes self-control and mastering yourself is one of the great tasks of life.



The pursuit of Martial Arts as a way of life and using some of its various philosophies can give you the same benefits as other sports and activities. Physical strength, agility, correct nutrition, and basic exercise are all important aspects of Martial Arts. Also, some philosophies add meditation, clearing the mind before classes etc. to better focus on learning and personal development. Meditation can be used in any area of your life: before a test at school or at work, when you are afraid, worried or excited, or when you just want to relax and clear your mind. How far you pursue Martial Arts is up to you, however, the benefits you take from it will be with you for many years to come! Martial Arts is really a way of life and how you react to life.



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Post 14 – Moving through the Moment(s) https://kkmkarate.com/2022/11/03/post-14-moving-through-the-moment/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/11/03/post-14-moving-through-the-moment/#respond Thu, 03 Nov 2022 16:07:54 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=3246 Post 14 – Moving through the Moment(s) Read More »

The World Keeps Going On Around You!

Life will not stop for you! Time will not stop for you! Bad guys will not stop for you! The world keeps going on. Life goes on with or without you. But you have the right to be here! You matter! So, how will you react to the world and what is happening around you?


Should You Give Up?

You should never give up! If you get hit while training in class, you have to get your focus back. AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Take a breath. Take a step back. Get back into your stance. Throw a punch. Do something, to help you move through that ‘moment.’ Instead of trying to stop it, work through it. Work to get your focus back. Once you get your focus back, then you can stop it. Don’t ignore pain or fear as they are very real but do learn to ‘control them.’ Don’t let them control you! If you get kicked or punched or kneed, don’t freak out! Take a breath, protect yourself, and get your focus back! Don’t fall to the ground and roll up into a ball hoping that everything and everyone will just go away and disappear.


Teaching Moment

The time when you get hit or ‘rocked’ is the time when you come closest to experiencing what a real fight feels like! That makes it the most valuable moment to all of your training! Don’t waste this teaching moment. When you get ‘rocked’ you get a glimpse of the real you. In a perfect world you would never get hit or hurt. But we aren’t living in a ‘perfect’ world. Expect to be hit but strive to minimize that from happening to you. Fight back for yourself and your loved ones. Don’t allow yourself to be a victim! Stand up for yourself. stand up for others who need protection.

Who are You?

Who are you when you get hit? Are you a quitter or are you a fighter? Do you lose your mind? Or can you keep your cool? If you quit or give up every time you get hurt, you are training yourself to have a ‘bad habit’ that will get you injured or even worse yet, killed in a real fight. When you get hit, focus before you quit! Stop what is threatening you, Then, get safely away from the incident as soon as possible.



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Post 13 – Short History of Karate Belts! https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/29/post-13/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/29/post-13/#respond Sat, 29 Oct 2022 01:09:54 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=2423 Post 13 – Short History of Karate Belts! Read More »


The Evolution of Colored Belts!


Way back in the ‘olden days ‘a karate practitioner’s white belt was simply dyed to become a new color!

Coloring Order

The repeating of this coloring process dictated what was the most practical order of belt coloring. At that time the standard was white, then dyed to become yellow, from yellow it could be dyed to green, brown, and finally black. There were only five (5) colors!

Frugal Times

The same belt was used over and over again and progressively changed its color in a systematic way! Because of the dying process, the colors progressively became darker and darker! This all began after WWII (World War II) when Japan was a very poor country. People had little money or possessions. Changing the color of your one’s belt into a new color was a cheap, visible, and effective way to rise-up in ranking! The logical color order then was white-yellow-green-brown and black. Today our color system is similar, but different. In SGKC (my karate club / organization) we basically follow white-yellow-orange-green-blue-brown and black and in essence we have seven (7) colors (if you don’t count the belts we have with white or black stripes in them).

Your Belts Today

Today most of us receive a new belt as we progress forward in Martial Arts. I encourage my students to invest in purchasing a ‘belt rack’ to hang on the wall in their rooms, or office, or another prominent place. A belt rack will remind you of where you came from, where you are, and where you are going in your Martial Arts journey!



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Post 12 – TMA (Traditional Martial Arts) https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/26/post-12/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/26/post-12/#respond Wed, 26 Oct 2022 22:12:24 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=2360 Post 12 – TMA (Traditional Martial Arts) Read More »


TMA (Traditional Martial Arts)


The abbreviation ‘TMA’ stands for Traditional Martial Arts. In my karate club / organization we predominately learn Japanese Shotokan which is a TMA. Are you studying a TMA?

Many TMA

There are many TMA. Know that for each TMA which people study, the style will have its own strengths and weaknesses! But typically, they are following a rich history of self-defense techniques, fitness routines, and self-sacrifice that precedes them. 

Personal Development

In my dojo as like many others, we strive to promote self-development. We teach respect, self-control, self-defense, self-confidence, oriental traditions, remedial language (Japanese), and the ability to fight when it’s deemed necessary.

Real World

Everything taught in TMA may work well in a classroom setting, but we must also be aware and consider what may be the most practical techniques to use out in the real life. Real world concrete is a much harder surface to fall or be thrown upon than a dojo matted floor! Rain, snow, or high temperatures are found in the real world, but not in a climate-controlled dojo.  How will you react to heat or cold?  In the real-world multiple attackers can occur and they typically don’t fight fairly! Historically TMA began as techniques developed to allow defense and the very survival of its practitioners! Over time many techniques have been altered for safety which has made them less effective than the original. We simply need to be aware of this. We need to understand the difference between a safe training environment and our reactions if we are suddenly thrown into a hostile environment!

Value + Reality

There is value in learning TMA but we also strive to teach that fighting for points in the dojo (punching then backing off every time a point is called) is not the same as actually hitting an opponent in the real world. Flying and jumping kicks may look flashy in the classroom, they are cool, but may not be as practical as punches to the head and torso in a real fight. There are at least ten million circumstances that might arise and good practical techniques may well prove to be the most effective defense and as required the most effective ‘offense.’ Also, how to use your environment for protection and how to successfully escape attackers is critical to understand. Not everyone is going to be an imagined Hollywood hero in an action movie. Being self-aware, knowing your environment, having a plan to escape mob rule, and to survive is vital to understand and practice. Let’s learn to use both TMA and real-world defense!

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Post 11 – Video Episode #3 “Kata” https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/26/post-11/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/26/post-11/#respond Wed, 26 Oct 2022 22:12:00 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=2358 Post 11 – Video Episode #3 “Kata” Read More »


The word Kata refers to traditional ‘forms’ of karate. There are different degrees of katas from beginning basic katas up to complex Black Belt katas. They can take many years to learn! Katas are basically fixed patterns of movements. The movements have purpose and meaning.

Do all MA have Kata?

Not all styles of Martial Arts have katas, but many do! Some MA styles don’t see the importance of learning and practicing them, and some even talk poorly of katas. I believe and support the tradition of katas. I believe they have a useful purpose. 


Katas can serve many purposes. A kata can be done alone for exercise, for the relief of stress, for meditation, for self-defense, for improving one’s abilities, for remembering one’s training, for preserving a culture, for using full speed and power, for competitions, and for muscle memory.

Different Meanings

A kata can mean different things to you at different times of your life.


Value of kata

I personally like katas and the challenges they present to a student to learn! Performing a kata requires a Martial Artist to learn a fixed pattern of movements which include specific stances, timing, blocks, punches, and kicks.

Team Kata!

Katas are typically performed alone, but they can be performed as a team, or in what is called ‘bunkai,’ In bunkai one person performs the kata while being surrounded by a group of karateka (students) who launch attacks so that the person doing the kata can react with defined defensive movements, counterattacks, or other relevant actions that the kata dictates.

Kata kanji

The kanji or ‘kata’ is made up of three parts; shape, earth, and cut. It means ‘to cut or make a pattern in the earth’ that is what a kata does!’ see the video below to learn more about kata and the kanji that represents it.


Note: Each kata has its own name and its own kanji. In this lesson, only the word kata and its kanji are shown.




Video Kanji Lesson #3 "Kata"

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Post 10 – How Do You Use Your Voice? https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/06/how-do-you-use-your-voice/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/10/06/how-do-you-use-your-voice/#respond Thu, 06 Oct 2022 19:12:18 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=2345 Post 10 – How Do You Use Your Voice? Read More »


How do you use your voice?

How do you use your voice? Do you normally speak loudly or quietly? If you’re typically quiet, could you learn to become loud and forceful in an emergency? And, if you are normally loud and talkative, could you learn to be quieter and listen to other people, and develop skills to talk your way out of a problem? Can you become loud to save yourself or another? Can you talk calm and confidently to save yourself? Did you know your voice can be a powerful tool or weapon? Did you know your voice can help you, help others, hinder you, or endanger you or others? Do you speak the truth even when it’s scary or painful to do so? Or do you’re your words serve only you? Why do you think martial artists (MA) use a loud “Kiai” (a shout – a battle cry)? Does it strengthen them somehow? Do your words build another person up or bring them down? Is what you say true and beneficial? Did you know it might be possible to avoid a fight just by using your voice to intimidate or scare an opponent? A loud yell can be a part of posturing to avoid conflict, verbalizing while defending yourself has immense value!

  1. Change your fear into anger. A loud angry shout can change your fear into useful You can control your emotions to change fear into a defensive voice.
  2. Alert bystanders you need help – There is no guarantee that a bystander will help you, but you increase your chances of escaping a bad situation by drawing attention. Criminals hate attention!
  3. Breathe If you’re afraid, you gulp in air, hold your breath, and your bloodstream will become drained of oxygen and you’ll suffer fatigue. But, you can’t hold your breath and yell at the same time.So yell. During extreme efforts (like fighting or a violent attack) most people react only by holding their breath. 
  4. I’m not a victim! – Predators use pre-fight verbal attacks to see how a potential target will respond.  Think of it as a “dress rehearsal” for the actual attack, occurring seconds before.  How you respond to your attacker’s words – with words of your own – will signal to them that you won’t take their assault passively.
  5. Indicate you are the defender – If police arrive, they need to know who was defending and who was attacking. If you’ve trained in MA for any length of time, you might be surprised at the amount of damage you could do to an attacker who attempts anything.  If it’s clear to authorities, a videotape, or any bystanders that you were only attempting to stop the attack, not initiate it, you’ll be much better off if you have to answer for your actions.
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Post 9 – Video Episode #14 “Kanji” (The kanji for kanji!) https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/22/the-kanji-for-kanji/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/22/the-kanji-for-kanji/#respond Thu, 22 Sep 2022 23:48:35 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=2173
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Post 8 – Days of Week – Kanji https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/22/days-of-week-kanji/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/22/days-of-week-kanji/#respond Thu, 22 Sep 2022 17:06:51 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=2161 Post 8 – Days of Week – Kanji Read More »


Japanese Week Days!

日 月 火 水 木

Japanese Days of the week!


Imagine that a day of the week is seen as a picture of a sun and a bird flying by! The image of “time flies” is the goal! Note that in Japanese kanji, each day that is written includes the same image ‘day of the week image’ (sun, bird, and wings) in the middle of it!


“Yobi” (sounds like ‘Yo-bee’) ようび  is the word used for ‘day of the week.’ Then, each weekday is added.


For example:

Sunday shows the symbol of a day (the sun), then inserts yobi (day of week), and then day again!


Sunday (Sun Day) written in kanji is




Monday (Moon Day) written in kanji is




Tuesday (Fire Day) written in kanji is




Wednesday (Water Day) written in kanji is




Thursday (Wood Day) written in kanji is




Friday (Metal Day or Gold Day) written in kanji is




Saturday (Earth Day or Ground Day) written in kanji is




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Post 7 – Don’t take shortcuts! https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/07/dont-take-shortcuts/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/07/dont-take-shortcuts/#respond Wed, 07 Sep 2022 01:04:10 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=1718 Post 7 – Don’t take shortcuts! Read More »


Are You Always in a Hurry?


Have you ever noticed how daily all around you there are people in a hurry? You can see them rushing about you and taking shortcuts. For example, watch people driving in their cars and you’ll see them speed up and take risks by ‘cutting corners’ at intersections, crossing roadway lanes, but only to arrive a few seconds (or mere minutes) earlier to their final destination! When people cut corners in their cars, they don’t think about the other drivers. They don’t think about how their actions might impact someone else! They think only of themselves. They show no courtesy to others. No respect! Shortcuts can get us into trouble!


Is there a shortcut to learning karate? To learning self-defense? To learning another language? Everything takes time and effort! Everything worth having is worth working for. Work hard! Hard work does matter! It’s important! Pay attention to what you do. Observe what is occurring around you. Know and remember that there are no shortcuts to any place in life worth going to. You can never take away from success the effort of hard work, discipline, and sacrifice that is required to achieve it. There are no shortcuts to victory. You must commit yourself to the slow and often painstaking work of study, practice, and learning. When it comes to real success, there simply are no shortcuts! Karate, martial arts, and all forms of self-defense require much focus and hard work.

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Post 6 – Video Episode #9 ‘Dojo’ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/03/episode-9-dojo/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/03/episode-9-dojo/#respond Sat, 03 Sep 2022 20:11:58 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=1467 Post 6 – Video Episode #9 ‘Dojo’ Read More »


If you’ve ever felt like the world is too big, too confusing or just downright overwhelming to tackle on your own, then this blog post is for you.

I know what it feels like when it seems like there are so many things in front of us that we can’t do anything about because they’re just too big. It’s not true though!

Finding ways to be more savvy and less overwhelmed by our lives is actually really easy with these 61 tips that will make you a savvier traveler and give you some peace of mind at home.

Read on if travel has been on your mind lately but maybe you don’t have the time or money to take a break from life right now – this post is perfect for all types of travelers!

1. Be prepared with a travel kit that includes necessities such as medications

Make sure to carry a travel kit with you when going on vacation. This will make it easy for you to stay healthy while away from home by including things like medicine and other items that are essential for your health.

Whether you’re going for a week or two on vacation, or on a business trip, make sure to travel prepared. My travel kit always includes tons of medicine. I don’t want to catch something while out on the road, so I’m prepared for anything!

It’s also a good idea to include emergency contact information into your travel kit.

2. Keep your passport handy at all times – don’t put it in a safe or locker

Don’t leave your passport in a safe.

I don’t want to sound like your mother, but you should keep it with you at all times because if it’s stolen then that could cause problems when going through security or leaving the country.

Always keep your passport in a place you can easily access it in case you need to make an emergency exit.

3. Update apps to your destination’s currency to track your spending

You can track your spending more easily if you update the apps on your phone to the destination’s currency. That way, it will be easier for you to check how much money you have left so that there are no surprises when it comes time to pay.

If you’re traveling, it’s a good idea to set your phone to the local currency so that all of your transactions are automatically labeled with their correct prices.

Fiddling around with exchange rates all the time is not worth it!

4. Book flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to get the cheapest fares

The best time to book a flight is on Tuesday or Wednesday. That’s because most people are looking for flights over the weekend, so you can find some great deals if you have patience!

I first learned this trick from my flight attendant friends – and I can now confirm it works amazingly well! I’ve saved thousands of dollars by simply following this one travel hack.

5. Use Google Maps offline so you can still navigate even without a connection

If you’re driving or walking between places and don’t have a data connection, use Google Maps’ offline mode. It’ll still give you directions and useful information like the distance to your destination, what streets to take, and how long it’ll take to get there.

You can also download a map of your places of interest ahead of time, and then you get to use it anywhere – even on things like subways!

6. Carry a credit card from home country as well as one from destination country

If you are traveling to another country, it’s always a good idea to bring your credit card from your home country with you. You don’t want to rely on just one or two cards when travelling because that could be risky if one of them gets lost or stolen.

I always bring my credit card from home, as well as one from the place I’m going or alternatively an international card such as Revolut. In case anything happens, I always have a way to get money and communicate with people at home.

What are your own best travel hacks?

Traveling can be a stressful and terrifying experience, but it doesn’t have to be.

By following these simple tips, you will always know what to expect, where your passport is at all times, how much money you’re spending on flights and accommodations (and when), and most importantly, that you are ready in case of emergency.

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Post 5 – Video Episode #8 ‘Shotokan’ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/03/episode-8-shotokan/ https://kkmkarate.com/2022/09/03/episode-8-shotokan/#respond Sat, 03 Sep 2022 20:09:30 +0000 https://kkmkarate.com/?p=1462 Post 5 – Video Episode #8 ‘Shotokan’ Read More »


Are there Tigers in Japan?

Where Tigers Live

The symbol for Shotokan is a ‘Tiger.’ But are there tigers in Japan? The short answer to the question is no, there are no tigers native to Japan. Japan is an island and tigers don’t live on that island. Tigers however can be found in China, Nepal, Indonesia, India, Malaysia, etc. Tigers are found living wild in other Asian countries!

Admired From Afar

But the Japanese knew about tigers, they were aware of them and how powerful and dangerous they were! They respected and admired their power. They were (and are) thought of very highly.  But know that the only live tigers living in Japan would have to be found held captive in a zoo! They don’t roam the countryside in Japan!


Tigers have appeared in Japanese artwork over the centuries. They appear in paintings, poetry, literature, pottery, etc.

So, why do tigers appear in Japanese artwork and in culture? The answer is a school called ‘The Kano School‘ which was a long lived (over 300 years) and influential school of painting and other creative arts found in Japan’s history. The school was active from the 15th century into the 18th century. The school was held in high esteem as having the most professional painters and craftsmen in Japan. It attracted rich and wealthy patrons of the arts. It was affluent and refined. Imported into the school were Chinese style works of art. Chinese art inspired Japanese artists. China had artwork that included tigers! To enjoy culture, to be seen as sophisticated, a shogun (ruler / dictator) named Shogun Tokugawa supported and encouraged the arts. Within the arts came craftsman, and with artisans came tigers! Funny thing however, many drawings of tigers were not very accurate . . . they look funny, even strange, because the artist had never actually seen a real tiger!

Tiger Selected

But how did the founder of Shotokan select a tiger as a symbol? Gichin Funakoshi (founder of Shotokan) came to Japan from Okinawa early in the 1920’s. In Japan he had a great friend named Hoan Kosuqi. He also had a friend named Jiqoro Kano (who was a judo master). These two friends talked Sensei Funakoshi into staying in Japan. They wanted him to stay and teach his style of karate! They believed in him. It just so happened that Hoan was a famous painter and an artist! Hoan Kosuqi became a very major part in developing karate-do (the way of the empty hand) in Japan. Kosuqi was also a student of sensei Funakoshi. He talked Sensei Funakoshi into writing a book about his style of karate. To capture it in writing! The book became a ‘master text.’ In Japan a master text was actually written on a long scroll. A scroll is a ‘treatise’ (a written work that formally and systematically deals with a subject). In Japan, a treatise is also known as “Tora no maki” (Tiger’s Scroll). Kosugi told Sensei Funakoshi that if he would write the treatise, he would help him with the writing and he would design it and provide a painting for the cover (remember he was an artist)! So, guess what he painted? Yep, you got it! A tiger!


Fun Fact

When Gichin Funakoshi was young in Okinawa, he spent hours in contemplation on an Okinawan mountain named . . . “Mount Tarao” or in other words it meant The “Tiger’s Tail Mountain.” Sensei Funakoshi often reminisced about the sound of the wind blowing through the pine trees there. He loved it. He said it sounded like the sound of ocean waves breaking on a shoreline. a very soothing sound to his ears.


Not Just Any Old Tiger!

The Shotokan Tiger is unusual and has deep meanings.  Sensei Funakoshi liked the tiger because it represented power, strength, courage, and tenacity. The tiger drawing itself is drawn into many individual lines. The lines if seen alone aren’t recognizable, but like the karate he taught, when all of the parts are assembled together, the true power is reveled. The lines can be many things individually; kihon (basics), kata (forms), kumite (contact techniques), practice, patience, devotion, respect, etc. The tiger is also drawn within a circle which symbolizes that power must be like a circle, it must be continuous and unbroken, it must contain all of the training of karate, that the power is within bounds and will not come out, unless completely necessary for survival of oneself or of one that requires protection.



See the video below for a lesson on the 'kanji' for Shotokan

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